One year, Sony A7


Already over one year, Sony A7 camera and 28-70mm kit lens set have been with me. Just after the Tokyo Motor Show 2015, I will talk a brief of my first Full Frame camera.




1.Dynamic Range, a Huge Plus! This give me so much confidence for shooting and even can care nothing about a accurate exposure. The high light part is about 2 stops can be recovered and 4 stops in dark part.




2.Low light perform, as a full frame camera, A7 can deliver clean and usable photos under ISO 3200. However best condition when working under ISO 1600, the noise gain is pleasureful. Also, the auto focusing is fine in low light situation, manual focus assistant is nice and useful.




3.Auto White balance, Sony A7’s AWB can be trusted in 97% condition, it is definitely better than Adobe Lightroom’s AWB (LR’s AWB is always to warm), so I guess it is also a big plus! Honestly, since I am only shooting RAW, don’t care this very much.




4.Extreme condition perform, this includes focus, exposure, operability and confidence. Focus can be lost when facing strong point light sources, about 5% of my Tokyo Motor Show has dead because of this.(My Olympus OM-D E-M5 missed about 10% in the same condition 2013.). The menu system is a little bit lack of logic, even I already played it for on year, some functions I still can not find in the very first time. The grip is not big enough, the dials especially the front one is hard to turn. The battery is okay with 700 shot I think, better than my Olympus OM-D E-M5’s 500. And, the Lens’s optical stabilizer could be better I wish.




5.Overall, Sony A7 is a nice choice of mine! It is the cheapest full frame camera in the market, and filled with features, brought me into a new world of photography, all thanks to it. By the way, Google Photos upgrade from 4 Mega pixel to 16 Mp, is support me a lot, all my photos in this blog are linked from Google’s sever.



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