Post image test

Only a test of image posting of my site. I love this wordpress theme and I was using link images from Google Photos into posts to show all my photos. However, there are several problems of this link style images. 1.Speed I believe that almost all the places in the world will visit google faster than…… Continue reading Post image test

Hello world!

WordPress へようこそ。これは最初の投稿です。編集もしくは削除してブログを始めてください !

Categorized as mood

One year, Sony A7

Already over one year, Sony A7 camera and 28-70mm kit lens set have been with me. Just after the Tokyo Motor Show 2015, I will talk a brief of my first Full Frame camera. 1.Dynamic Range, a Huge Plus! This give me so much confidence for shooting and even can care nothing about a accurate exposure.…… Continue reading One year, Sony A7


I wanna do Video Works. It’s not a new idea of my mind, but since I have some free time now, the mood has popped up again. I saw a lot Youtube videos everyday, like Seto Koji’s great video jobs. As a result, more strong willing of making videos of my own has filled in…… Continue reading Crossroads

Categorized as mood


Often heard this song is my arbeit supermarket, but today I finally got the perfect version. Suggest you to listen this song with me!

Categorized as mood