Enlightened Wristband

I received a pair of wristbands of Enlightened Japan Agent Momon Gasan (Ingress Agent ID: Momongadget), on 2014 Dec 12th. After 4 months’ wearing of the wristbands, I was lucky to get a pair of Mark II wristbands.

Before I change into new addition of the wristbands, let me do a review first. I have weared the wristbands everyday from December 12th, and 24 hours 7 days a week. So it suffered friction, water, sweat, shampoo and everything onto my hands. In fact, after 4 months, It still looks pretty cool.

On the Darsana day 2014 Dec 23th, I also got a pair of Enlightened Hong Kong wristbands(Green and Black). Also the pair I have wear onto my left wrist since Darsana, while Enlightened Japan version on right wrist.

The Hong Kong edition is more tight and fits me better. If there is a point I want the Enlightened Japan version to improve, it will be the tightness. Please make it more TIGHT!

Both Japan and Hong Kong edition have the Night lighting function, which is very Cool! However the Hong Kong version is lighter, the Japan version’s light stays longer. No problem with this, the Japan version lights about 2 hours, but the Hong Kong one runs only 30 mins.

(Thanks to Sony A7 ISO 25600)

The Enlightened Japan Mark II wristband has a nice dimensional modeling,  the pattern just got a depth into the band with the same tightness of the original wristband. I will wear it since Today, let’s see what amaze me.


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