It came just like I’ve hoped.
Finally, I got my Full Frame Camera, no more complain about the camera body (probably).
So after the 18th Typhoon at the daytime, I carried the camera and catched some test shoots just before the sunset.
I wanna do Video Works.
It’s not a new idea of my mind, but since I have some free time now, the mood has popped up again.
I saw a lot Youtube videos everyday, like Seto Koji’s great video jobs. As a result, more strong willing of making videos of my own has filled in my head.
However, to make videos, I need 4 thing:
1. Partner
2. Camera
3. Youtube
4. Time
The priority is from 4 to 1.
And also Philip Bloom, he is just so fantastic and just can understand me such.
This week my Panasonic GH2 could return back to me. My friend rented it with my favorite lens 14-140mm f4-5.6, but she just did Zero video. I brought GH2 just for Hack the body and push the Video stream to 5Mb/s, buy the way, some new hack files have been released these days.
Often heard this song is my arbeit supermarket, but today I finally got the perfect version.
Suggest you to listen this song with me!